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Enterprise Advisors is seeking qualified firms and consultants to provide technical assistance under a HUD Community Compass Technical Assistance (CCTA) award to Indian housing authorities/tribes/tribally designated housing entities utilizing American Rescue Plan Award (ARP) grants from the HUD Office of Native American Program (ONAP).
Advisory Services and Technical Assistance Advisory Services (Consulting) Technical Assistance Tribal Nations
With financing from Enterprise, the City of New Orleans and the Louisiana Housing Corporation, New Orleans Restoration Properties will bring critically needed affordable housing to Hollygrove.
Community Development Financial Institution Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Gulf Coast Preservation & Production Equitable Path Forward
Enterprise announces an expansion of its Faith-Based Development Initiative in Baltimore to help houses of worship convert underutilized land into affordable homes.
Mid-Atlantic Preservation & Production Faith-Based Development
Enterprise has extended a $2.3 million line of credit to Dabar Development Partners to support and help grow the firm’s affordable housing development in the New York City area.
Community Development Financial Institution Financing for Developers New York Equitable Path Forward
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise Receives $20 Million Investment from Key Bank to Advance Racial Equity
Community Development Financial Institution
Enterprise in the News
KeyBank's Brian Maddox talks with Mortgage Professional America about the importance of their loan to Enterprise's Equitable Path Forward initiative.
Community Development Financial Institution Products for Investors Financing for Developers Equitable Path Forward
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise VP and Northern California Market Leader Heather Hood joins a KQED forum to discuss why affordable housing in California is becoming more unaffordable and strategies to bring down the price tag.
Northern California Preservation & Production
Enterprise announces the closing of the Enterprise Housing Partners Fund XXXVIII (EHP 38), a $341,500,000 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit fund.
Products for Investors Financing for Developers Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

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