With the stability of a good home, a safe community and the chance to plan for your future, so much more becomes possible in life. When that home is in a place where resident voices are the priority, people can help shape the change they want to see in their homes, their neighborhoods and their futures.
At Enterprise, our residents help us define what success looks like. Everything we do is informed by the 24,000+ residents we serve in the Mid-Atlantic, plus the millions of families we support in affordable homes and communities across all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In every neighborhood our work touches, we strive to make upward mobility possible.
Relief for Renters
Even before Covid, there were too many barriers to making rent. Because we know many people have lost their jobs or face new challenges since the pandemic began, we’ve stepped up our support.
- Through housing stabilization grants, programs and additional support from local government agencies, we brought together over $15 million in rent relief to thousands of residents to date.
- Through the Water Multifamily Assistance program, we’ve applied nearly $2 million to provide additional rent relief for our residents.
- Our repayment plans provide more flexibility for people struggling to pay rent on time.