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Our Policy team had big wins at Georgia’s legislative session with our fight against criminalizing encampments of persons experiencing homelessness, childhood lead exposure, and more.
Policy  Southeast
We are pleased to welcome Matt Thompson as our new data analytics fellow.
Learn more about how TDHEs and Tribal Housing Authorities serving Tribes located in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona and New Mexico can apply for Wells Fargo’s Invest Native grant.
Technical Assistance Tribal Nations Upward Mobility 
Learn how to manage a budget and grant implementation timeline that makes funders confident in your ability to execute your project.
Technical Assistance Preservation Equity Northern California Southern California Tribal Nations Preservation & Production Racial Equity
Learn about the Enterprise Faith-Based Development Initiative (FBDI) Cohort for Montgomery County houses of worship interested in building affordable housing and mixed-use developments.
Technical Assistance Mid-Atlantic Preservation & Production Faith-Based Development

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