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People spend nearly 90 percent of their time inside, making indoor air quality central to health and well-being. Low-income populations are disproportionally affected by a range of illnesses and adverse health effects that can be exacerbated by poor indoor air quality, and improvements to the indoor environment can be an important mechanism to address health disparities.
Analyses of Census data used to identify and classify counties that lost housing between 2010 and 2020, and their implications for future housing policy.
Comments on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Request for Input (RFI) on programs, regulations, collections of information, and policies for the agency to consider modifying, streamlining, expanding, or repealing in light of recent Executive Orders. The efforts aim to guide FEMA to effectively achieve the agency’s mission in a manner that furthers the goals of advancing equity for all, including those in underserved communities and bolstering resilience from the impacts of climate change.