Emily Nosse-Leirer

Policy Director, Rural and Native American Programs

Emily Nosse-Leirer is policy director for Enterprise’s rural and Native American work, where she leads policy development and advocacy on housing issues affecting rural places, Tribal nations, and Native American communities.

Prior to joining Enterprise, Emily was a senior advisor and legislative assistant for Sen. Patrick Leahy. She led the senator’s work on issues including housing and rural development, successfully expanding and establishing new funding sources, earmarking money for rural housing and economic development projects, and authoring legislation allowing State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to be used for Housing Credit projects. Before moving to Washington, she worked as a regional planner in Vermont, writing long-range town and county plans, developing zoning and solar siting guidelines, and winning and administering federal brownfields grants.

Emily has a bachelor of arts and master of arts in urban geography from the Ohio State University.

Office Location

Washington, D.C.
10 G Street NE
Washington, DC 20002


Advancing Legislative Agendas in Native Communities

Native American Heritage Month provides an opportune moment to take stock of and review Enterprise’s legislative and policy agenda for Native and Tribal housing. Enterprise’s policy and Tribal Nations and rural teams are working together to advance Tribal sovereignty, combat disinvestment and redlining on Tribal land, and increase housing opportunities and stability for Native communities around the country.