Laura Turner

Senior Director, Dispositions

Laura Turner is a senior director in the Disposition and Asset Resolution department with Enterprise Community Asset Management, Inc.  She leads a team of three disposition managers and is responsible for oversight of Enterprise’s portfolio of expiring Low Income Housing Tax Credit investments, representing a pipeline of over 100 dispositions per year. She manages policies and procedures for Enterprise’s disposition program, coordinates disposition planning with Enterprise’s equity investors and has personally managed the disposition of over 300 investments. Laura has also presented at national and regional forums on issues and processes surrounding expiring Housing Credit properties. When necessary, she provides support and technical assistance to Enterprise’s partners to resolve organizational and/or specific project issues. 

Laura joined Enterprise in July 2008 as a disposition analyst. Prior to working at Enterprise, Laura worked in the housing, economic, and transportation planning fields with the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, UNC’s Center for Community Capital, Self Help Credit Union and the City of Asheville, North Carolina. Laura has a master’s in regional planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a bachelor’s in sociology from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.

Phone Number
Office Location

Columbia Headquarters
70 Corporate Center
11000 Broken Land Parkway,
Columbia, MD 21044