On August 22, California's Strategic Growth Council (SGC) approved awards totaling $789 million to 24 distinct Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program (AHSC) projects throughout the state. The AHSC Program funds infill affordable housing developments, sustainable transportation investments, and programs that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This year’s awarded projects will create 2,483 new affordable homes connected to opportunity.   

Deep Impact Through Technical Assistance 

As in years past, this round’s awards will continue to advance the program’s goals to build a more equitable, sustainable California. Each AHSC housing development will be paired with a wide array of community-serving investments, including new bike lanes, safer sidewalks and crosswalks, new and enhanced public transportation, urban greening and air pollution mitigation projects, free transit passes for residents, and programs focused on anti-displacement, community capacity building, and green workforce development. These projects will make a meaningful impact on addressing the state’s twin crises of housing affordability and climate change. 

Enterprise staff are deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to support 17 (71%) of the 24 awarded applicant teams, helping our partners to advance the most ambitious community-serving projects across diverse locations and environments. Each AHSC applicant team is a collaborative of housing developers, local government, transit agencies, technical assistance providers, community organizations, and more. We applaud all the AHSC Round 8 applicants for the creativity, commitment to program values, and sheer effort each team puts into the application process. 

Development Spotlight: Sakura

Enterprise is proud to have worked with Mutual Housing California and the Capitol Area Community Development Corporation on their successful AHSC application for Sakura – a 134-unit affordable housing development in midtown Sacramento. The applicant team successfully secured approximately $38 million to support the construction of the development, local bike lanes, light rail and bus stations, and adding emission-free transit options from Sacramento into the Central Valley.

The AHSC program is complex, and successful awards depend on extraordinary engagement across multiple partners. We are proud to have played a role in bringing significant investment across California looking to improve climate outcomes by connecting affordable housing and transportation. 

The AHSC program continues to be one of the largest and most reliable funding programs for affordable housing in California. This round’s $789 million in awards brings the program’s total investments to nearly $4 billion since it was established in 2014.  

For detailed information on the application review process and the awarded projects, please see the AHSC Staff Report and associated attachments.  

For More AHSC Information

AHSC is funded by cap-and-trade auction proceeds as part of the State’s California Climate Investments suite of programs. The program is administered by SGC in collaboration with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).  

For more information on Enterprise’s AHSC Technical Assistance services, please contact: 

Alejandro Huerta
Southern California 

Kristine Williams
Central California 

Marlene Salazar
Northern California