Cybersecurity Best Practices for Affordable Housing Developers and Operators

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity is more critical than ever.  It's estimated that a new cyber attack is launched somewhere in the world approx. every 30 seconds.  That’s over 2,000 attacks daily.  Additionally, there is a widening cyber inequity gap, where smaller organizations and less-resourced entities are disproportionately affected by cyber threats due to their limited ability to invest in cybersecurity measures.  The financial impact is equally alarming – cybercrime is projected to cost the global economy $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.  These statistics underscore a harsh reality:  no organization, regardless of size, is immune to cyber threats, including affordable housing developers and operators.
In this presentation, Craig Sweet (Vice President of Cybersecurity at Enterprise) and James Crifasi (Chief Technology Officer at RedZone Technologies) will lead a discussion of the most important cybersecurity best practices that affordable housing developers and operators can employ to significantly reduce their cyber threat exposure.

September 10, 2024 | 12:00pm
September 10, 2024 | 01:30pm
  • Partner Sustainability and Growth
  • Partner Sustainability