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Enterprise in the News
A quality, affordable home means the world to Patricia Guzman and her family who just moved into Creekside Terrace, developed by Self-Help Enterprises with the support of $11.4 million in housing tax credit through Enterprise.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Northern California Preservation & Production
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise VP and Northern California Market Leader Heather Hood joins a KQED forum to discuss why affordable housing in California is becoming more unaffordable and strategies to bring down the price tag.
Northern California Preservation & Production
Our new analysis finds that with an investment of just 4 percent of the state’s nearly $100 billion budget surplus, the state could create more than 14,000 affordable homes.
Policy  Northern California Southern California Preservation & Production
Enterprise closed Enterprise Housing Partners Funds XXXVI and XXXVII, two Low-Income Housing Tax Credit funds, totaling $365 million from 17 investors.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Chicago Gulf Coast Mid-Atlantic New York Northern California Ohio Pacific Northwest Southeast Southern California
With commitments from 10 investors, Enterprise Housing Partners Fund XXXV will help create or preserve 2,529 affordable homes across 19 properties in 14 states.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Northern California Pacific Northwest Southeast Southern California Housing as a Pathway to Justice Green Communities
Enterprise, UrbanCore Preservation and Pacific Housing announce a deal to preserve 105 affordable homes in Alameda County, California, through investment from the Housing for Health Fund.
Preservation Equity Northern California Preservation Green Communities Health & Housing
support technical assistance for applicants and awardees in the Governor’s proposed expansion of Homekey. Facebook’s funding will allow Enterprise to build on its support of the Governor’s successful Homekey program.
Northern California Southern California Preservation Racial Equity Upward Mobility 
Through Homekey, these 45 grantees received a combined $266 million from California’s federal Covid-19 relief and general funds to acquire hotels, motels, apartments and other buildings and created more than 2,300 interim or permanent, long-term homes for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 
Advisory Services (Consulting) Northern California Southern California Preservation

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