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Enterprise in the News
The Enterprise-led Transit-Oriented Development Fund was founded with Denver’s support and has just passed the $50 million mark in investments.
Community Development Financial Institution Financing for Developers Rocky Mountain Preservation & Production
Enterprise in the News
The Religion News Service reports on the impact of Enterprise's expanded Faith-Based Development Initiative through the support of an $8.5 million grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation.
Mid-Atlantic Southeast Preservation & Production Faith-Based Development
Enterprise hires Traci Sanders as director in our Chicago office. Previously with the Illinois Housing Development Authority, Sanders brings nearly 15 years of experience in policy, urban design and strategic planning to Enterprise.
Enterprise in the News
Bisnow looks at programs that promote and fund the projects of Black developers, including Enterprise's Equitable Path Forward and Let’s Build Accelerator.
Community Development Financial Institution Financing for Developers Mid-Atlantic Racial Equity Equitable Path Forward
Housing Career Pathways is a groundbreaking, scalable program that connects New Yorkers to quality, permanent jobs in affordable housing
New York Upward Mobility  Resident Success
Enterprise recently closed three Denver Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund deals, which brings its total investments to $50 million and 2,100 homes.
Community Development Financial Institution Financing for Developers Rocky Mountain Preservation Green Communities
Cheryl Gladstone Appointed to New York Advisory Board of Enterprise Community Partners
Policy  New York Eviction Prevention Covid Response
Enterprise in the News
In a Washington Post op-ed, David Bowers talks about the roles government, philanthropy and the private sector play in preserving affordable homes.
Mid-Atlantic Preservation

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