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Enterprise closed Enterprise Housing Partners Funds XXXVI and XXXVII, two Low-Income Housing Tax Credit funds, totaling $365 million from 17 investors.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Chicago Gulf Coast Mid-Atlantic New York Northern California Ohio Pacific Northwest Southeast Southern California
Enterprise in the News
NMTC investment to help create affordable homes for purchase in Atlanta
New Markets Tax Credit Southeast
Enterprise in the News
The New York Times spotlights $25 million initiative for affordable, multifamily rental properties
Building Resilient Futures
Enterprise seeks to create a more inclusive industry with magnified impact led and informed by BIPOC, community- and faith-based development organizations through innovative joint venture program that offers mentorship, partnership and an initial $5M in equity
Construction and Development 
Enterprise in the News
Affordable housing builder Enterprise Community Development is aiming to give more minority developers an ownership stake in neighborhood real estate projects through a joint venture program announced Tuesday.
Construction and Development 
Enterprise and Morgan Stanley launched the Disaster Recovery Accelerator Fund, a $25 million initiative for affordable, multifamily rental properties.
Community Development Financial Institution Gulf Coast Pacific Northwest Building Resilient Futures
Enterprise in the News
Brian McLaughlin was elected to serve as a public interest independent director.
Construction and Development  Property Management
Enterprise provided a number of recommendations to the U.S. Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO) on its future efforts relating to the insurance sector and climate-related financial risks.
Building Resilient Futures

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