Decarbonizing residential building stock is crucial to mitigating climate change. However, local and national decarbonization policies can potentially create unintended harms for tenants, including unsustainable rent raises and unnecessary or illegal evictions. These policies must be designed and implemented carefully to protect renters, who are more likely than homeowners to be from Black, Brown, and low-income communities that already disproportionately bear the negative effects of climate change. Not doing so will exacerbate the housing crisis while driving more Americans into homelessness. This paper offers recommendations for tenant protection in building decarbonization policies.

September 10, 2024
Chelsea Kirk, Strategic Actions for a Just Economy;
Daniel Carpenter-Gold, Public Health Law Center;
Jessica Miller, Institute for Market Transformation
Decarb Topics
  • Decarbonization
  • Policy
  • Resident Engagement
Resource Type
  • Report