Louisville, Kentucky
Once considered the Harlem of the South, Louisville’s Russell neighborhood has embarked on a community-led renaissance designed to build wealth in the community.
Russell: A Place of Promise (RPOP) is a justice-based initiative focused on generating investments in the people and places that make Louisville, Kentucky’s Russell neighborhood special.
RPOP worked in partnership with New Directions Housing Corporation, the Louisville Urban League, LHOME, and REBOUND, Inc. to implement activities funded through the Fifth Third Neighborhood Program grant.
With support from the Fifth Third Neighborhood Program, RPOP helped preserve and repair nearly 70 homes. Tailored trainings conducted in partnership with the Louisville Urban League helped 84 residents remain in the neighborhood and build their assets.
RPOP’s partner, REBOUND, Inc., also received approval for a $220,000 investment in the Richmond Apartments. The investment supports construction of 15 new affordable rental apartments in the Russell neighborhood. Residents will also have access to rent reporting for credit building, financial coaching and other supports.
To drive commercial development in the neighborhood, RPOP’s Russell Small Business Accelerator promotes new resident-owned businesses and partners with local businesses and entrepreneurs. Forty-eight Russell-affiliated small businesses received support.
Fifth Third’s philanthropic support leveraged additional funding for the Accelerator and allowed RPOP to offer grants to businesses completing the program. Graduates also gained access to priority support from the Louisville Urban League’s Center for Entrepreneurship and LHOME, two of RPOP’s key partners in the Fifth Third Neighborhood Program.