In our criminal legal system, Black and brown individuals are overrepresented in our prisons and jails and are more likely to be policed and arrested than white people. This is driven in part by discriminatory policies and discretionary processes throughout the U.S. criminal legal system – from disparities in policing practices and arrest, through pretrial bail decisions, to disposition, sentencing, and parole determinations. 

Once released, people face debilitating restrictions, from discrimination in housing to the struggle to find a job. This has created a system where people formerly incarcerated are 10 to 13 times more likely to experience homelessness than people who have not been incarcerated. 

Enterprise Community Partners has created a model of facilitated peer sharing and session topics that are tailored for traditional affordable housing developers, property managers, emerging developers, faith groups, and service providers, to support housing opportunities for people impacted by the criminal legal system. We believe housing providers can actively work to dismantle some of these restrictions and create access to opportunity. The Work Group will introduce 5 - 10 participants to basic and advanced issues, barriers, and strategies to address people with conviction records, and/or impacted by the criminal legal system. 

Throughout the session topics, participants will learn about the barriers people with conviction records face, and pragmatic solutions and opportunities to house and support this population successfully. Interactive work and assignments will help participants develop a plan to incorporate the material into their work. Participants will also engage with a consultant to help refine organizational goals, internal processes, or development plans to house people impacted by the criminal legal system.

Important Dates 

Application Open: March 6, 2023

Informational Webinar/Q & A: March 16, 2023

Application Due: 11:59 PM ET on April 7, 2023

Notification: Week of April 10, 2023

Period of Performance:  05/2/2023 – 07/11/2023 

How to Apply 

Step 1: Review the application to assess your eligibility and interest in applying.  

Step 2: Register here and attend the Informational Webinar to learn more about the application.

Step 3: Submit any questions to James Walker ([email protected]) no later than April 4, 2023.  

Step 4: Submit application and all required materials by 11:59pm ET on April 7, 2023 via SlideRoom