Homelessness and incarceration are two sides of the same coin as those with criminal records are ten times more likely to experience homelessness, and those who are homeless are more likely to be arrested. The Cuyahoga County’s high rate of incarceration, particularly of Black men, requires a housing-focused response to break this harmful cycle. A recent review of Tenant Selection Plans among affordable rental housing found that 78% had a long-term ban on those convicted of minor offenses, illustrating the lack of access to housing for the 20,000+ exiting incarceration in Cuyahoga County each year. Housing prices are escalating at unprecedented rates, and there is a fragmented, insufficiently resourced system to support successful reintegration. At the prompting of the Cuyahoga Office of Reentry, a dedicated Steering Committee, made up of those whose lives have been impacted by incarceration and housing professionals, explored the housing needs and gaps in Cuyahoga County, promising and evidence-based housing interventions, and developed an actionable 8-point plan to address the housing needs of individuals who have been incarcerated.

Read the action plan.

Originally Published
October 12, 2023
Cuyahoga County Justice Housing Steering Committee,
Resource Type
  • Report