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Today, Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) released its 2023 Public Policy Priorities, a comprehensive set of federal policy recommendations for the 118th Congress.
Enterprise has initiated a RFQ to qualify contractors to provide affordable housing providers in Southern California support on asset management related needs.
Advisory Services and Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Southern California Preservation & Production Preservation Partner Sustainability and Growth
Enterprise has created a model of facilitated peer sharing and session topics to support housing opportunities for people impacted by the criminal legal system.
Technical Assistance Development, Property Management & Resident Services Ohio Racial Equity Housing as a Pathway to Justice
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise was named one of Fast Company’s most innovative companies – ranked fifth in the category for urban development and real estate.
Preservation Equity Renter Wealth Creation Fund
This grant opportunity is to scale proven housing-based services and supports that enable low-income older adults living in Michigan and Maryland to age in place.
Detroit Mid-Atlantic Resident Success Health & Housing
Applications are open until April 14, 2023, for the second round of Thome Aging Well Program grants to help older adults age safely and securely at home.
Detroit Mid-Atlantic Resident Success Health & Housing
Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) today released a policy brief providing recommendations to policymakers at every level of government to prepare communities for an influx of migrants as climate change forces millions of Americans in disaster-prone areas to leave their homes.
Policy  Resilience
Research reveals that 395 affordable housing developments are in various predevelopment stages but $7.6 billion in public financing is needed to move the 32,944 affordable homes forward.
Policy  Northern California Preservation & Production

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