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See How it Works

A key aspect of MiCASiTA (which has evolved to become DreamBuild) is a financing component – education and a loan product – that allows families to grow their homes as their finances improve and to build equity through homeownership.

“Most people want a home for their kids – a beautiful home that they’re proud of,” says cdcb Director of Homeownership Linda Marín. “If a client is not financially able to get their dream home, we can start with something smaller and work toward getting to the dream.

Innovation Milestones

MiCASiTA homes are built at a Brownsville, Texas, manufacturing site known as “the farm.” Production at the barn-like facility creates local jobs and minimizes the cost of transporting the modular homes to nearby communities.

Homes are slated to meet Enterprise Green Communities certification, and are built without proprietary materials, specialized machinery, or 3D printing. The delivery model is designed to be replicable and scaled to communities across the country.

Evelio and Gloria Palacios became the first family to move into a MiCASiTA home this spring, with more homes currently under construction.

cdcb and bcWORKSHOP have hosted two expansion summits to introduce the MiCASiTA model to housers from Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta, Indian Country, and the Gulf Coast. They also launched a manufacturing course this spring toward scaling the innovation to other markets.

A man standing outside talking to a group of people while gesturing to what is behind him
The Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge gave us the time and resources to get to work. And with that support, we now actually have a sustainable modular housing product that can be replicated and scaled.
Nick Mitchell-Bennett, cdcb Executive Director

What’s Next

Expansion is on the horizon for MiCASiTA. The innovation’s scalable delivery system makes it transferable to other communities experiencing deep poverty.

cdcb and bcWORKSHOP are currently focused on enhancing the model’s sustainable features by integrating solar, energy, and water-efficiency systems.

The team is also moving to introduce the housing innovation to six new locations in other Latino, Black, and Indigenous communities.