Multifamily owners, operators and developers face unique challenges when preserving affordable homes across rural America.

Leveraging more than forty years of experience, we developed a series of no-cost trainings and peer-learning sessions designed to help rural housing providers and nonprofits acquire and preserve USDA Rural Development, HUD 811 and 202, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and other subsidized and affordable multi-family housing.

Building upon the success of our first academy, we tailored the training program to address unique regional challenges and opportunities. Our completed academies include Texas, Colorado, Pacific Northwest, Southeast and a national cohort focused solely on the preservation of USDA 515 housing stock. Since launching in 2018, we have offered more than fifty sessions, totaling 100+ training hours to more than 700 attendees.

700+ Academy Participants
Since 2018
100+ Hours of Training
on Rural Housing Preservation

Making rural development accessible

Groups of people sitting at round tables in a meeting room

Our academies were designed to ensure program participants leave feeling more confident about preserving multi-family rental properties in rural communities. The curriculum tailors key modules to meet the unique challenges of different regions around the country.

Our cohort-based training academy was designed to help participants:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of rural preservation, how to preserve existing affordable housing developments and USDA Rural Development
  • Gather data and inventory in their organization’s service area
  • Navigate forms, policies, certifications, pro-formas and classes
  • Understand how to navigate different funding sources and currently available dollars as well as deploy funds when they become available
  • Access case studies and other learnings that leverage best practices from the broader field
  • Join a regional peer network committed to advancing rural rental preservation​
  • Apply for direct technical assistance with USDA Rural Development experts for rehab, new construction and preservation projects
Before the Rural Rental Preservation Academy, I was intimidated by Rural Development. Now I have more knowledge and tools. I know if I get stuck, I have resources and contacts to fall back on.
Pacific Northwest Rural Rental Preservation Cohort Participant


We tailor key modules to meet participant’s unique regional challenges. Click on the link to watch a previously completed session:

Session 1: Introduction to Rural Development 515 Transfer Process 

Session 2: Case Studies on the 515 Transfer Process  

Session 3: Capital Needs Assessment  

Session 4: State, Local and National Policy 

Session 5: Alternative Funding Sources 

Session 6: Property Management, Disaster Preparedness and Resiliency

People sitting at tables set up in a U-formation as an instructor stands in front of a screen
2024 Rural Rental Preservation Academy
During a two-day academy at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, elected officials, financial experts, housing providers, and state and federal agencies explored solutions to preserve affordable housing in rural communities.
Previous Academies

Colorado Academy

This series was designed to help rural housing providers acquire and/or preserve restricted rental housing in rural Colorado.


Learn more

Pacific Northwest

This academy focused on acquiring and preserving subsidized and affordable housing in rural areas across the Pacific Northwest.


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This academy focused on acquiring and preserving subsidized and affordable housing in rural Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi.


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National Academy

This session focused on USDA Section 515 affordable housing properties in rural areas across the country.


Learn more

Support what comes next!

Creating the nation’s first rural rental training cohort for affordable housing was just the beginning. We are continuing to listen to our partners and developing additional effective and affordable resources to help them tackle the unique challenges that come with preserving affordable rental housing in rural America.

Contact Katie Biggs to learn more about what’s coming next and how to get involved.

To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: 

U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;

(833) 256-1665 | (202) 690-7442; or



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