Enterprise is collaborating with FIHPP technical assistance (TA) partners – The California Community Land Trust Network, Community Vision, and Strada Ventures – to provide a webinar series and individual TA as prospective borrowers gear up for the release of FIHPP funds. Sessions were accompanied by guidance and template documents that help mission-driven developers prepare for participation in the program, as well as long-term success as stewards of affordable housing. Learn more.

November 2022 – June 2023

Enterprise’s Preservation Next program launched a series of publicly available, no-cost virtual training sessions. These sessions are designed to assist affordable housing developers and providers, practitioners, policymakers, and advocates with guidance to acquire, rehabilitate and preserve the affordability of homes located in unsubsidized small- to medium-multifamily (SMMF) properties. The goal is to prevent displacement of residents at risk of eviction, and advocate for preservation minded policies, programs, and resources.

November 3, 2022 | Preservation Academy Kickoff

This session highlighted the importance of the unsubsidized affordable housing in SMMF properties. A panel of practitioners from The Unity Council, East Los Angeles Community Corporation, and Fideicomiso Comunitario Tierra Libre grounded SMMF preservation locally and offered key insights into future opportunities to advance this work in Los Angeles and the Bay Area.

November 17, 2022 | Preservation Deals: Organizational Sustainability and Business Planning

This session introduced key factors for organizations to effectively acquire and operate small to medium multifamily (SMMF) properties. Guest speakers from the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund and Mission Economic Development Agency discussed strategies to scale up and sustain SMMF acquisition-preservation efforts and how organizations can assess their readiness and develop preservation business plans. 

December 1, 2022 | Acquisition, Property Identification, and Evaluation of SMMF Properties

This session highlighted strategies and tools to effectively identify, evaluate, and acquire SMMF properties based on property-, community-, and market-based considerations. During this session, Enterprise presented on the property and ownership characteristics of SMMF housing stock and how these data can inform acquisition strategies. Attendees heard from Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation about successful SMMF acquisitions and the organization’s evaluation framework used to assess potential acquisition deals.  

January 12, 2023 | Financing SMMF Preservation

This session provided an overview of local and state financing resources to support a preservation project and highlighted strategies to evaluate financial feasibility, meet financing gaps, and preserve affordability. During this session, participants heard from Enterprise Community Loan Fund, Community Vision Consulting and Capital, T.R.U.S.T South LA, and Genesis LA about important financing considerations for small to medium multifamily (SMMF) preservation deals successful. 

February 2, 2023 | Sustainability, Resilience and Health Considerations for SMMF Preservation

This session provided an overview of tools, resources, and programs to address sustainability and health priorities in small to medium multifamily (SMMF) preservation projects. Enterprise discussed national and California-specific sustainability priorities and highlighted Enterprise resources, including Health Action Plans. A panel of guest speakers from Elevate, the LA Better Buildings Challenge, and Self-Help Enterprises highlighted how their organizations have implemented solar and electrification retrofits in SMMF preservation deals.

February 23, 2023 |Navigating Rehabilitation of SMMF Properties

During this session, speakers from ECarson Consulting, Zubi Consulting, and Venice Community Housing highlighted the unique rehabilitation needs of small to medium multifamily (SMMF) properties, how to effectively engage key stakeholders, and strategies to successfully manage rehabilitation of a SMMF preservation project. Additionally, Enterprise profiled resources and tools for housing providers to assess and plan for the impacts of climate risks on SMMF properties.

March 16, 2023 | Preservation Development Models

This session highlighted featured speakers from Coalition for Responsible Community Development (CRCD), Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership (ANDP), and Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH). CRCD presented key takeaways throughout the organization's experience as a joint venture partner, ANDP highlighted how they approach partnerships with private partners to grow capacity and impact, and POAH shared more about a portfolio acquisition of SMMF properties in Chicago.

April 6, 2023 | Community Land Trusts and Preservation - Deep Dive Special Session

This session focused on the unique role community land trusts (CLT) play in small- to medium-multifamily (SMMF) housing preservation, including challenges and opportunities to advance CLT-led preservation across California. Speakers from the Northern California Land Trust, El Sereno Community Land Trust, and San Francisco Community Land Trust shared reflections from the field and guidance for other CLTs to acquire SMMF properties, engage and keep residents in place, operate these properties for the long-term, and advocate to further the mission of CLTs.

April 27, 2023 | Policy and Its Impacts on Preservation

This session provided an overview of efforts across California to pass stronger policies for SMMF preservation, including legisative efforts to bolster resources, program design and implementation, and successful advocacy efforts. Speakers included Enterprise's policy team, California State Senator Anna Caballero’s office, Bay Area Housing Finance Agency, and Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing.

May 18, 2023 | Property and Asset Management

This session provided an overview of property management models that minimize operating costs and keep residents stably housed, as well as asset management strategies to improve the long-term financial health of SMMF properties. Speakers from NeighborWorks America, Eden Housing, and Joint Ownership Entity New York City highlighted actionable strategies to implement today and innovative models to consider to overcome common property and asset management challenges of SMMF properties.

June 8, 2023 | Housing Stability and Eviction Prevention

This session provided an overview of strategies and resources for SMMF property owners and operators to promote housing stability. Andrew Jakabovics shared best practices for mission aligned owners and operators to reduce the occurrence and impacts of eviction. Elizabeth Richards and Van Scott shared how an innovative partnership in Los Angeles, the Local Rental Owners Collaborative, stabilized BIPOC property owners and strengthened tenants’ housing stability during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

All sessions are open to the public. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Richards. 

Originally Published
February 7, 2023
Enterprise Community Partners
Technical Assistance Property Management
Resource Type
  • Training