This is the sixth of Enterprise's regional, cohort learning opportunities for owners, operators, and developers of multifamily affordable housing to engage with one another, content experts, and local stakeholders to address the unique climate hazards of their region. Together, participants will be able to identify critical vulnerabilities and solutions and gain one-on-one technical assistance to improve portfolio resilience to future threats and incorporate community resilience strategies.

Focus areas will all be tailored to regional-specific needs and will include:

  • Assessing portfolio risk
  • Strategies for building and retrofitting climate-resilient housing
  • Business continuity planning
  • Understanding funding and financing
  • Incorporating resident engagement strategies

The Midwest Resilience Academy will kick off in Chicago with an in-person session on Tuesday April 2, 2023. The cohort will then meet bi-weekly on Thursdays, virtually, for the next eight weeks. Each virtual session is 2.5 hours, with the final session on May 30. 

These academies come at no cost to participants thanks to our local sponsors.

Apply to the Midwest Climate Resilience Academy by March 15, 2023.