The Lake Merritt BART Senior Affordable Housing partnered with BART and successfully received an AHSC award. Courtesy of East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation. 

California's Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program funds affordable housing developments and nearby transportation infrastructure to create inclusive, sustainable communities.

In years past, BART has successfully partnered with local developers to bring new housing and transportation funding to the counties served by BART. As the AHSC Round 7 Notice of Funding Availability approaches, BART is seeking to identify and assess new potential affordable housing development partnerships. Interested applicants must complete an intake form to be considered for a BART-AHSC partnership.

The deadline to submit the form is Aug. 15, 2022.

Please note: Affordable housing project sites must be within approximately a 1.5-mile radius of a current BART station in order to be eligible under the AHSC program to partner with BART.

Use these intake form questions to help facilitate gathering the relevant project information. After gathering this information, please fill out the online intake form.  Only information submitted via the online survey will be considered.

We highly recommend that the project manager with the greatest familiarity with the housing project fill out the application. BART will decide on its AHSC partnerships based on the information submitted in this form. Therefore, if information changes, applicants will be obliged to redo this form promptly or otherwise provide the new information in writing to BART and Enterprise.

BART intends to notify all parties who submit survey responses of its determinations on AHSC partnership by Sept.15, 2022.

If any questions arise while filling out this form, please reach out to the Enterprise team Sally Greenspan and Marlene Salazar.