Preservation Next is accepting applications from organizations to form the California Preservation Academy cohort.

About the Preservation Academy

To increase the nation’s affordable housing, we must protect and preserve the affordable homes we already have and provide stability for residents.

Enterprise’s national Preservation Next program seeks to support the preservation of unsubsidized affordable homes located in small- to medium- multifamily (SMMF) properties with 2 to 49 units at risk of being lost to rising rents, deterioration and destabilization.

Preservation Next is starting this preservation work in Southern and Northern California by launching the first Preservation Academy, a series of publicly available, no-cost virtual training sessions designed to assist affordable housing developers and providers with guidance and best practices to acquire, rehabilitate and preserve the affordability of homes located in unsubsidized SMMF properties and prevent displacement of residents at risk of eviction.

These training sessions will include topics such as:

  • Organizational sustainability and business planning
  • Acquisition, property identification, and evaluation of SMMF properties
  • Financing for SMMF preservation
  • Navigating rehabilitation of SMMF properties
  • Sustainability, resilience and health considerations
  • Preservation development models
  • Policy and its impacts on preservation and housing stability
  • Property and asset management
  • Housing stability and eviction prevention

All sessions are open to the public. Stay tuned for registration details.

Join the California Preservation Academy Cohort

In addition to publicly available preservation-focused sessions, the Preservation Academy will equip a cohort of 10 affordable housing organizations and mission-aligned developers in Northern and Southern California with the tools, resources and training to take learnings and apply them to active preservation projects.

We are pleased to announce a call for applications to join the California Preservation Academy Cohort. Participating cohort organizations and entities will receive:

Training – In addition to the Preservation Academy’s virtual sessions that are available to the public, cohort organizations will receive additional deeper dive workshops and training to help them navigate the preservation development process.

Catalytic Grants – Participating cohort organizations will receive pass-through grant support to activate their preservation pipeline and build organizational capacity to continue preservation work.

Technical Assistance – Cohort members will be able to request technical assistance funds to meet project-specific needs best met by a consultant.

Peer-to-Peer Learning – Participating cohort members will learn from and problem solve with other cohort organizations embarking on preservation efforts across Northern and Southern California.

How to Apply

Applicants must register for a SlideRoom account and answer application questions here. Applicants must also complete and upload the following templates with their application submission:

  1. Budget Template
  2. Organizational Document Checklist
  3. Organization Small- to Medium- Multifamily Portfolio

The deadline to apply is September 30 at 5pm PT/8pm ET.

Please see the Preservation Next California Academy Cohort Call for Applications for more information. Please contact Sara Haas, Senior Director, with any questions.