Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) have announced the inaugural director of Bay Area Housing Finance Authority will be Kate Hartley! See the full press releases from MTC and ABAG.

We are thrilled to have a director in place who can take BAHFA to the next level, begin implementing the 5 BAHFA pilot programs, and lead us to a future housing ballot measure. Hiring an inaugural director marks a significant milestone for our work in helping create BAHFA as stated in our report, The Elephant in the Region: Charting a Path for Bay Area Metro to Lead a Bold Regional Housing Agenda.

We are especially excited to welcome Kate, who MTC has rightly dubbed a “Bay Area Housing Veteran.” Kate will bring decades of leadership and experience as well as her commitment to our shared vision for BAHFA to bring transformational change to the region and advance racial equity. Please join us in welcoming Kate in her new role!