California Tribal Housing Accelerator Academy Webinar Series

The California Tribal Housing Accelerator Academy is a new training series of practitioner-driven housing development fundamentals, peer-to-peer support, and technical assistance. Funded by U.S. Bank, these training sessions and support from our technical assistance providers will aid California Tribal organizations seeking to maximize state housing funds and expand their ability to address housing needs for tribal citizens. We seek to work alongside tribes to ensure that critical housing resources are maximized and that tribal communities have equitable access to safe, decent, affordable, and culturally relevant housing.

Through this webinar series, participants will learn:

  • Capacity for affordable housing development possible in your tribal community
  • Funding resources available and how to leverage them
  • Strategies for managing budgets, timelines, compliance, and more

April 23 at 11:00 am PT | An Overview of California Housing Resources
New policy changes in California mean that tribes have more access to state funding resources for affordable housing than ever, yet these processes remain complex and hard to navigate. Join us for demystifying the resources available for your next development project. Topics include timelines for applications and key funding criteria, and establishing a shared goal of fully subscribed tribal set-asides for housing resources.

May 28 at 11:00 am PT | Strategies for Building Capacity
In this session we will dive deeper into what makes a successful tribal housing development team. Learn how to manage a budget and grant implementation timeline that makes funders confident in your ability to execute your project. We'll give you a budget and timeline template that can be implemented with multiple funding opportunities and projects and walk through how to use them. Topics include increasing internal capacity and project management.

June 18 at 11:00 am PT | California Tribal Development Intensive Cohort members— CLOSED session
Save the date for Pro-Formas and Financial Feasibility Analysis. This is a CLOSED session.

July 16 at 11:00 am PT | Leveraging State and Federal Resources
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Now that you have a plan in mind for your next housing development, we will dive into how to leverage state and federal resources to make them work for your tribe. We will provide resources for setting up your document checklist and updates to state funding resource availability. Topics include using state resources in conjunction with Federal resources (NAHASDA).

August 13 at 11:00 am PT | Stewardship: Compliance and Property Management for the Long Term
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In the final virtual session of the CA Tribal Housing Accelerator Academy, we will cover what to do once you’re awarded and even after your project is built—what we call stewardship. Compliance can be tricky to navigate for many tribes, and we’ll use this time to answer your questions and review principles of stewardship to make your project a success for generations to come.

March 29, 2024
  • Northern California
  • Southern California
  • Tribal Nations
Impact Areas
  • Preservation & Production
  • Racial Equity
  • Technical Assistance
  • Preservation Equity