I am Rosine Bouobda, and I am elated to be at Enterprise Community Partners.

It is one of my deepest desires to be part of the solution to the affordable housing problem which I hope may be accomplished through my work with Enterprise.

Rosine Bouobda headshot

My career in the nonprofit arena began as the deputy director at an ecumenical social agency. My focus was to help alleviate homelessness and poverty in the Mississippi Delta. 

At the end of my tenure, I relocated to Denver, where I became a comprehensive housing counselor for four years. This experience provided a wealth of knowledge about the socio-economic challenges faced by low to moderate income households, especially Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities. 

In my quest to expand my knowledge in the housing spectrum, I became the manager of a rental assistance program mid pandemic.  This critically enriched my education in housing stability but also frustrated me to witness the helplessness experienced by BIPOC, immigrant and low-income communities, conditions which were exacerbated by the pandemic.

Enterprise Community Partners is my next and truly exciting chapter because I get to be part of the affordable housing solution. In my previous roles, I did not have the opportunity to influence policies or help from a strategic position. In my new role, I have a voice that may lead to meaningful changes for the individuals we serve.