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Community Highlights
Native entities from across the state are participating in our inaugural California Tribal Housing Accelerator Academy to learn how to maximize state funds and advance housing solutions for Tribal members.
Technical Assistance Tribal Nations Preservation & Production
Enterprise released the study, Investing in Communities Along the Purple Line: 2024 Capital Needs Analysis outlining the capital, complementary policies, and capacity needed to meet the 17,000 affordable home goal for the Purple Line corridor.
Preservation Equity Mid-Atlantic Preservation & Production Preservation
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise Chief Executive Officer and President Shaun Donovan talks with the Los Angeles Times about the potential consequences of the Grants Pass case now before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Community Highlights
Enterprise will host orientation opportunities for early learning providers interested in joining the Snohomish County Early Learning Cohort. 
Pacific Northwest
Enterprise has prepared an application for funding in response to HUD’s Notice of Funding Opportunity, Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Competition and will be hosting a public hearing and comment period.
Preservation Equity New York Partner Sustainability and Growth Partner Sustainability   Preservation & Production Preservation
Community Highlights
Enterprise convened its Central Midwest Equitable Path Forward (EPF) cohort in Chicago, where they heard from developers, consultants, funders, and other subject-matter experts on strategies to advance environmentally sustainable and healthy homes.
Technical Assistance Preservation Equity Chicago Detroit Partner Sustainability and Growth Racial Equity Equitable Path Forward Resilience
Enterprise in the News
Our State and Local Policy Senior Director, Kinsey Hasstedt, talks with the Denver Post about the importance of the proposed right to first refusal legislation now under consideration by the Colorado General Assembly.
Policy  Rocky Mountain Preservation
Enterprise in the News
Thome Aging Well Program grantee Cody Rouge Community Action Alliance helps older Detroit residents age in place through a program to make their homes safer and healthier.
Technical Assistance Detroit Health & Housing

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