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Enterprise in the News
Affordable housing builder Enterprise Community Development is aiming to give more minority developers an ownership stake in neighborhood real estate projects through a joint venture program announced Tuesday.
Construction and Development 
Enterprise in the News
Brian McLaughlin was elected to serve as a public interest independent director.
Construction and Development  Property Management
Enterprise provided a number of recommendations to the U.S. Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO) on its future efforts relating to the insurance sector and climate-related financial risks.
Building Resilient Futures
Enterprise names Ayonna Blue Donald, a longtime public servant for the city of Cleveland, as its new vice president and Ohio market leader.
Emily Alvarado was named Enterprise VP and Pacific Northwest Market Leader, where she will led our work in affordable homes and equitable community development.
Pacific Northwest
Enterprise and The NHP Foundation surveyed more than 100 stakeholders to explore potential affordable housing interventions.
Preservation Equity Policy 
Enterprise and Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership’s collaboration will create 45 affordable homes for purchase in Westside and Southwest areas.
New Markets Tax Credit Southeast Upward Mobility 
Enterprise in the News
Fixed-income investment to advance racial equity and support Equitable Path Forward.
Community Development Financial Institution Equitable Path Forward

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