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Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) today announced that Baaba Halm has joined the organization as its new vice president and New York market leader. A New York nonprofit and public sector executive, Halm brings more than two decades of experience in housing, community development and policy, and a strong commitment to racial equity to Enterprise.
New York
With commitments from 10 investors, Enterprise Housing Partners Fund XXXV will help create or preserve 2,529 affordable homes across 19 properties in 14 states.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Northern California Pacific Northwest Southeast Southern California Housing as a Pathway to Justice Green Communities
Enterprise, UrbanCore Preservation and Pacific Housing announce a deal to preserve 105 affordable homes in Alameda County, California, through investment from the Housing for Health Fund.
Preservation Equity Northern California Preservation Green Communities Health & Housing
Enterprise becomes the first affordable housing organization to join the Well Living Lab Alliance, a global network of organizations committed to improving human health and well-being in indoor environments.
Green Communities Health & Housing
Enterprise in the News
John Sullivan of Enterprise Community Partners, a national housing advocacy nonprofit, said the Mississippi program for rental assistance was not going well, but that these types of programs are not going particularly well anywhere across the country.
Gulf Coast
Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) announced the closing of an equity fund that would acquire and preserve $800 million in affordable and workforce homes. With $229 million in equity commitments, the fund exceeded its original $200 million target to become one of the largest preservation funds of its kind.
Preservation Equity Preservation
Enterprise in the News
Streets Blog Chicago discusses the pilot program, created in partnership with Elevated Chicago, Enterprise Community Partners, and members of the eTOD Working Group, has $135,000 to support up to ten community driven eTOD proposals.
Enterprise in the News
Bisnow joined the team behind Skyland Town Center, a major development bringing new housing and retail offerings to the underserved Ward 7 area, to celebrate two major milestones Monday.

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