Designed to offer communities innovative, locally appropriate approaches and solutions, cross-sector partnerships draw from a broad scope of experiences, resources, and sectors.

Leveraging our cross-functional expertise and the strength of industry-wide partnerships, we deliver opportunities that build community power while supporting economic mobility. Together we are using the housing bundle to address systemic barriers to advancement, drive systems change, and maximize mobility from poverty for more people nationwide.

Three people sit and talk at a table with notebooks and pens in a large workspace

To address the wide variety of housing dynamics at play across the country, we’ve developed a five-part process that supports increased access to the housing bundle in all communities.

While we have supported many organizations through the entire process to develop locally relevant solutions, we also partner to scale specific housing-related interventions that support upward mobility. 

Our five-part process includes the following steps: 

  1. Assess existing conditions — based on assessment goals and a strategic population focus (e.g., residents of public housing or students in households with low incomes), review how all programs, policies, and other market conditions intersect and impact access to the housing bundle   
  2. Identify and engage partners — build relationships with local organizations through a series of semi-structured interviews designed to identify barriers and partnership opportunities  
  3. Prioritize and co-develop shared outcomes — support partners in bringing community organizations together to define shared outcomes for enhancing access to the entire housing bundle, identifying progress indicators and potential collaborations   
  4. Partner and implement cross-sector solutions — using an anti-racist lens, assist partners with the design and implementation of interventions that increase access to the housing bundle   
  5. Build the field — capture lessons learned, creating and sharing field-building materials designed to support other communities and to guide local, state, and federal policy agendas  

Place-based solutions

We partner with industries across the country to design strategies that support the specific needs and aspirations of local communities, leveraging on-the-ground strengths and enhancing existing networks. Together with our partners, we help communities develop innovative solutions that draw from the capacity and resources of regional entities across different sectors throughout the country.

Map of the United States shaded in navy blue with location icons to indicate the different locations with place-based engagements in 2024
Local Partnerships

We partner with industries across the country to pilot actionable upward mobility strategies. Learn more about our new and existing programs and how to get involved.

Better Pathways to Success
New York


With government, housing, and workforce partners, we built a groundbreaking new program that links New Yorkers with low incomes to quality jobs in affordable housing.


Housing as a Pathway to Justice Working Group


With partners in the criminal legal system, we conducted an economic mobility landscape assessment that identified key barriers to mobility. 


Contact Anne Griffth to learn more.

Mobility After Homelessness


With local government and nonprofit partners, we helped design a program that is bridging homeless and employment services.


Incentives for Homeownership
With healthcare and investing partners, we built a forgivable loan program to help participants buy a first home or make renovations on an existing home.

Meet Our Team