The Power of Innovation: Building a Better, More Equitable Housing System
This report outlines the impact of each innovation as well as the Breakthrough Challenge’s broader potential impact on the housing sector.
Policy Brief: Preparing Receiving Communities for Climate Migrations
Georgia Statewide Housing Needs Analysis
The "Georgia Statewide Housing Needs Analysis" quantifies the housing need in state over the next decade and calculates the billions of dollars in added value, local income, local taxes, and local jobs that would be generated if Georgia met this housing need. The report also identifies opportunities for additional investment in affordable housing.
Investing in Affordable Housing Benefits Georgia Businesses & Workers
This report summarizes findings from KB Advisory Group’s Georgia Statewide Housing Needs Analysis, commissioned by Enterprise Community Partners in partnership with Georgia Advancing Communities Together and the Center for Community Progress.
Invest Native Grant Writing Webinar Series
As part of Wells Fargo's Invest Native program, Enterprise provides training on successfully submitting a grant application to that initiative and federal grant programs.
Planning Your Year in Grant Applications
Learn about upcoming 2024 grant opportunities from multiple national resources.
Promoting Climate Resilient Public Housing
This report discusses how four PHAs in New York proactively responded to challenges presented by Superstorm Sandy and took action through the State of New York Office of Resilient Homes and Communities Public Housing Resiliency Pilot Project (PHRPP) and HUD’s National Disaster Resilience Competition (NDRC) to fortify their properties in the face of a changing climate.
Georgia State and Local Policy Priorities
Enterprise Southeast outlines state and local policy priorities to support families in Georgia.
Barriers & Opportunities to Creating Low-Density Multifamily Housing
Webinar: Pathways to Catalyzing Housing in Washington
Enterprise Pacific Northwest reviewed grant opportunities and technical assistance programs to catalyze housing across Washington State.