As hurricane season starts, we’re launching Climate Safe Housing: Strategies for Multifamily Building Resilience, an online tool for owners and operators of affordable multifamily housing to protect and adapt homes to climate risks.

The resource is the digitized version of a guide developed after Superstorm Sandy. Drawing on lessons learned from the storm and other extreme weather events, with input from over 50 technical experts, Climate Safe Housing helps owners better prepare for climate impacts while protecting your properties from flood risk. 

The site includes a variety of insights and practical solutions:  

  • The importance of elevation certificates to protect your building from flooding 
  • How Flood Plains are defined and what it means for a multifamily housing property  
  • How to assemble a team to assess climate risks
  • How much you should pay for floodproofing retrofits 
  • How to prevent water from flooding your property
  • Case studies of climate risk reduction and resiliency 

Visit the site now to start getting insights into protecting and adapting your properties:

Graphic of four sections of new guide

Additional Resources

Business Continuity Toolkit for Affordable Housing Organizations, re-released in August 2021 with Fannie Mae and Bellwether Enterprise and Portfolio Protect, helps you assess your property’s climate risk. All the tools can be found in our website's Resilience section.