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With commitments from 10 investors, Enterprise Housing Partners Fund XXXV will help create or preserve 2,529 affordable homes across 19 properties in 14 states.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Northern California Pacific Northwest Southeast Southern California Housing as a Pathway to Justice Green Communities
More than 100 representatives of affordable housing organizations, public agencies and nonprofits from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska are participating in a training series to increase the preservation of rural affordable homes.
Pacific Northwest Tribal Nations Preservation
The Alaska Resilience Academy is a new training series sponsored by Freddie Mac that teaches practitioner-driven housing resilience fundamentals to aid Alaska Native organizations.
Technical Assistance Pacific Northwest Tribal Nations Resilience Climate Risk Reduction
Enterprise is seeking Request for Proposals (RFP) for the King County PSTAA General Child Care Facilities Fund (GCCFF). Funding is available to support the construction of new childcare facilities or the expansion of existing childcare facilities. Applicants may apply for predevelopment funding, renovation funds of existing facilities, or construction funding for new facilities. All projects must be located within King County.
Pacific Northwest Upward Mobility 

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