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More than 100 representatives of affordable housing organizations, public agencies and nonprofits from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska are participating in a training series to increase the preservation of rural affordable homes.
Pacific Northwest Tribal Nations Preservation
Enterprise's Community Development Organization Fund is a foundation-backed initiative delivering critical operating support to 30 Detroit nonprofits that serve or are led by Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
Detroit Racial Equity Covid Response
Enterprise in the News
If the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act introduced is enacted affordable housing developers would be able to impact rural, tribal and high-cost communities, as well as extremely low-income and formerly homeless residents.
Financing for Developers Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Policy  Rural Communities Tribal Nations Fair Housing
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise is focused on dismantling the enduring legacy of systemic racism in housing – a legacy that has prevented generations of Atlanta’s Black and Brown families from accessing safe, affordable homes and the same kinds of opportunities to achieve upward mobility as white Atlantans in affluent neighborhoods.
Enterprise in the News
In the Los Angeles Times, Jacqueline Waggoner, an executive with affordable housing nonprofit Enterprise Community Partners says “Most affordable housing stock is not under tax credits or something else. It’s critical that we don’t lose what we have.”
Southern California
Through Homekey, these 45 grantees received a combined $266 million from California’s federal Covid-19 relief and general funds to acquire hotels, motels, apartments and other buildings and created more than 2,300 interim or permanent, long-term homes for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 
Advisory Services (Consulting) Northern California Southern California Preservation
Enterprise in the News
Colorado’s housing affordability crisis long preceded COVID-19 but has been illuminated and exacerbated by the pandemic.
Rocky Mountain
Report on highlighting trends and offering recommendations on how schools, communities, housing providers and nonprofits can work together to address housing challenges that impact educational outcomes for young people.
Partner Sustainability  

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