Enterprise’s Tribal Nations & Rural Communities has supported safe, decent and culturally relevant housing on tribal lands and rural communities since 1997. We’ve helped create or preserve 40,900 affordable homes by leveraging over $1.9 billion in capital across the region.

We provide funding and training along with technical assistance to organizations to help create healthy, safe, green affordable homes and to increase opportunities for economic advancement for individuals and families in both rural and Native communities.

  • Native Communities Learning Cohort: Expand access to homeownership opportunities for Native Americans, Alaskan Natives and native/Native Hawaiians by building the capacity of housing providers (including tribes, Tribal Housing Authorities, Tribally Designated Housing Entities and Native Community Development Financial Institutions) to enhance and implement homeownership programs
  • Rural Preservation Academy and Technical Assistance Cohort: Preserving affordable rural rental homes through technical assistance and the delivery of trainings and peer-to-peer learning sessions designed to help rural housing providers acquire and/or preserve rent restricted housing in their communities.



Funder Spotlight

Fannie Mae

Fannie Mae’s support of the Rural Rental Preservation Academies is helping rural housing providers acquire USDA and HUD financed properties in their communities, as well as building their capacity to keep homes affordable, protected and preserved. Fannie Mae is also supporting the creation of a Native American Housing Online Toolkit to help tribal entities develop multifamily affordable housing in Native communities.

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Meet Our Team

Jennie Rodgers headshot

Jennie Rodgers

VP, Rocky Mountain and Tribal Nations & Rural Communities Markets