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Enterprise in the News
Enterprise VP David Bowers talks with the Chronicle of Philanthropy about partnering with houses of worship to develop underutilized land into much-needed affordable homes.
Mid-Atlantic New York Pacific Northwest Southeast Faith-Based Development
Enterprise statement on the New York State budget. Throughout the remainder of the legislative session and beyond, Enterprise remains committed to finding solutions to our worsening affordable housing and homelessness crisis.
Policy  New York Eviction Prevention Fair Housing
Enterprise in the News
In a Next City op-ed, our Solutions Division President Jacqueline Waggoner writes about the need for a federal ban on income discrimination to truly achieve fair housing for everyone.
Policy  Racial Equity Fair Housing
Enterprise, California Department of Housing and Community Development, and Wells Fargo are bringing together 200 local and state stakeholders for “A Common Cause: Unlocking Homekey.”
Northern California Southern California Preservation & Production Upward Mobility 
Enterprise initiates RFP process to support the expansion of the Faith-Based Development Initiative cohort programs in the Mid-Atlantic.
Technical Assistance Mid-Atlantic Faith-Based Development
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise VP Baaba Halm and Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development Executive Director Barika Williams write about the Housing Access Voucher Program in a Gotham Gazette op-ed.
Policy  New York
Enterprise Community Partners today announced the closing of the Equitable Upward Mobility Fund, a $190 million Low-Income Housing Tax Credit fund designed specifically to support economic mobility with a focus on racial equity.
Products for Investors Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Racial Equity Upward Mobility 
Joined by members of the faith community and Prince George’s County leaders, Enterprise announced the expansion of its Faith-Based Development Initiative into Prince George’s County. 
Mid-Atlantic Preservation & Production Faith-Based Development

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