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Enterprise recently closed three Denver Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund deals, which brings its total investments to $50 million and 2,100 homes.
Community Development Financial Institution Financing for Developers Rocky Mountain Preservation Green Communities
Enterprise in the News
In a Washington Post op-ed, David Bowers talks about the roles government, philanthropy and the private sector play in preserving affordable homes.
Mid-Atlantic Preservation
Cheryl Gladstone Appointed to New York Advisory Board of Enterprise Community Partners
Policy  New York Eviction Prevention Covid Response
Enterprise in the News
The statistics are clear: Traditional solutions to homelessness are not working. The number of people experiencing homelessness has crept up every year since 2016, and Black, Native and Latino people continue to be grossly over-represented.
Rocky Mountain Racial Equity
Enterprise’s Equitable Path Forward reached its $350 million Growth Fund goal in just one year, enabling investment in affordable housing providers of color nationwide.
Community Development Financial Institution Financing for Developers Racial Equity Equitable Path Forward
Enterprise in the News
In a Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond news release, Brian McLaughlin, president of Enterprise Community Development, Inc., was appointed by the Board of Governors to the Baltimore board.
Development, Property Management & Resident Services
Enterprise has named Lori Chatman president of its Capital Division, which oversees the full suite of Enterprise's equity, debt and tax credit products to the affordable housing and community development industries.
Community Development Financial Institution Financing for Developers Low-Income Housing Tax Credit New Markets Tax Credit Opportunity Zones Preservation Equity Products for Investors Equitable Path Forward
Real estate developers of color in Nashville, Tennessee, Northern Virginia and Washington state’s Puget Sound region are eligible for organizational capacity building and project-related grants from Enterprise through a $5 million grant from The Amazon Housing Equity Fund.
Community Development Financial Institution Technical Assistance Mid-Atlantic Pacific Northwest Southeast Equitable Path Forward

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