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Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) is seeking an agency of record to tell the Enterprise story and advance our work through the media, public speaking engagements, and other public-facing opportunities.
Advisory Services (Consulting) Chicago Detroit Gulf Coast Mid-Atlantic New York Northern California Ohio Pacific Northwest Rocky Mountain Rural Communities Southeast Southern California Tribal Nations Partner Sustainability and Growth
Enterprise is accepting requests for qualifications to support training and advisory services for our Preservation Next program in California, Colorado, and the Southeast.
Advisory Services (Consulting) Technical Assistance Northern California Rocky Mountain Southeast Southern California Preservation
An affordable housing community for seniors in Fort Collins, Colorado, features energy, health and design innovations that reduce energy consumption, lower utility bills, and enhance resident wellness.
Rocky Mountain Green Communities Health & Housing
Enterprise announced that former cabinet official and national housing leader Shaun Donovan will serve as its next chief executive officer and president, effective September 1.
Chicago Detroit Gulf Coast Mid-Atlantic New York Northern California Ohio Pacific Northwest Rocky Mountain Rural Communities Southeast Southern California Tribal Nations
Enterprise (with its collaborator, Local Initiatives Support Coalition) is managing the development of a book of original essays that will focus on the alignment of climate change and community development.
Policy  Program Design & Evaluation Chicago Detroit Gulf Coast Mid-Atlantic New York Northern California Ohio Pacific Northwest Rocky Mountain Rural Communities Southeast Southern California Tribal Nations Building Resilient Futures
Enterprise in the News
The Denver Post reports on our Rocky Mountain team's study looking at eviction rates over a five-year period and how Covid-related government interventions brought housing stability to Coloradans.
Policy  Rocky Mountain Eviction Prevention
Enterprise in the News
Colorado Sun reporter Tatiana Flowers talks with our state and local policy director Kinsey Hasstedt, interviews housing navigator Maricendi Jaimes, lifts up resident voices and examines the data in this news feature.
Policy  Rocky Mountain Eviction Prevention

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