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Enterprise seeks consultants to undertake training and one-on-one technical assistance for the New York State Community Land Trust (CLT) Training Series with the support of Enterprise.
Technical Assistance Development, Property Management & Resident Services New York Preservation
Enterprise announced that former cabinet official and national housing leader Shaun Donovan will serve as its next chief executive officer and president, effective September 1.
Chicago Detroit Gulf Coast Mid-Atlantic New York Northern California Ohio Pacific Northwest Rocky Mountain Rural Communities Southeast Southern California Tribal Nations
Enterprise hosted New York City faith leaders at an in-person public event highlighting development resources, shared learnings, and challenges for faith organizations.
New York Faith-Based Development
Enterprise Community Partners and the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York invite housing providers in the U.S. Virgin Islands to apply to participate in the 2023 Housing Ecosystem Grant Program.
Advisory Services (Consulting) New York Partner Sustainability and Growth Resilience
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise VP David Bowers talks with the Chronicle of Philanthropy about partnering with houses of worship to develop underutilized land into much-needed affordable homes.
Mid-Atlantic New York Pacific Northwest Southeast Faith-Based Development
Enterprise statement on the New York State budget. Throughout the remainder of the legislative session and beyond, Enterprise remains committed to finding solutions to our worsening affordable housing and homelessness crisis.
Policy  New York Eviction Prevention Fair Housing
Enterprise in the News
Enterprise VP Baaba Halm and Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development Executive Director Barika Williams write about the Housing Access Voucher Program in a Gotham Gazette op-ed.
Policy  New York
Statement from Enterprise Community Partners re: NY State Legislature One-House Bills
Policy  New York Eviction Prevention Fair Housing

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